
Life. Inside the Beltway. Outside of Politics. Mostly.


Maybe I should start subscribing to the Sunday Times

I know that people like me are the reason for declining subscription rates, but trashy articles will, like, totally make me reconsider. From Fishbowl NY:

"Just when you thought they couldn't top naked man-swimming, the New York Times Sunday Styles section goes and parades cheap homemade porn as a new hot hipster trend.
The setup couldn't be easier for a punchline here, but even our middling comedic efforts deserve better fodder than this. Oh, fine, how about: "So far more than 100 women from 18 to 25 have appeared on the Web site."
Is it too late for me to change my headline? "The NYT: Directing thousands of readers to pictures of naked 18-year olds."
Meanwhile, not even Jenny 8. is wishing she wrote this.
Wearing Nothing but Attitude [NYT]"

I hope that I never have to come home to find that my living room has been rented out to C-Heights hipsters. Especially just after I mopped the floor.


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