
Life. Inside the Beltway. Outside of Politics. Mostly.


Morning thoughts

For some reason Field of Dreams popped into my head this morning. Yeah, rough morning. More importantly though, how fucked up would you have to be to hear voices ("If you build it, they will come"), and then do what those voices tell you?

Shit-balls wasted.

Who knows, maybe the movie is all about the impact of an outbreak of ergot poisoning.


  • I can't believe you're hating on Field of Dreams...

    By Blogger Lauren, at 9:07 AM  

  • I'm not hating on Field of Dreams. I'm just saying that Kevin Costner must have been high as a kite. And I'm not talking about his love for the American Pasttime.

    By Blogger Fletch, at 9:36 AM  

  • Coincidence or evidence of collective consciousness: Field of Dreams is on ESPN Classic tonight at 8.

    And if you want to watch the special features on the DVD, you'll realize that really, it's just Iowa. The air is chock full of THC.

    In other news, some kid just made a Napoleon Dynamite reference in the middle of the Spelling Bee. The announcers were a little dumbfounded.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:58 AM  

  • My apologies, it's actually on ESPN.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:31 AM  

  • Geez, I haven't thought about Ergot poisoning since Colonialism and its Consequences back in the Fall of 2001. Never have the Salem Witch Trials been so funny. Nor has a class been so poorly taught. Especially by two professors. Ergot.

    By Blogger Sarah, at 11:05 AM  

  • Did you have it with Claire Potter?

    By Blogger Lauren, at 3:23 PM  

  • Nope, the tag team of Karemcheti and Hill... ugh.

    By Blogger Sarah, at 4:43 PM  

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