
Life. Inside the Beltway. Outside of Politics. Mostly.


While we're discussing fashion

What moron invented button-fly pants for men? Is there any fashion design that makes less sense? The whole point of the fly is to allow easy access for, um, "private business".

Why does this spring to my mind you might ask? Well, on Monday (also known as the day of arrival of the fever from hell), I found myself wearing a pair of button fly khakis. Oooh, classy. I know, I know, the sure fire way to stand out in the fashion Mecca that is DC is to wear khaki's to work. However, once I started feeling sick, I immediately began to pound the water, aka hydrated. As the human body tends to do, this flood of water needed to come out. Of course this stuck me with the conundrum of do I use a stall or the urinal? Because without an easily accessible fly, there's a fair bit of clothing to fight through before getting down to work. And going into a stall is like admitting defeat.

With the copious amounts of water that I consumed, I found myself faced with this dilemma several times in one afternoon. What I learned was button-flies are the _worst fashion idea ever_. The buttons do nothing except get in the way. The don't flatter your calves like women's heels. And its not sexy like a thong (on a woman). It serves no purpose but to annoy and delay.

If you wish to make a horrible mistake, you can find clothing manufacturers still producing this crap. I for one am considering burning the useless piece of crap khaki's that tortured me so during my day of agony.


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